Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Stowarzyszenie Ochrony Zwierząt GRUPA RATUJ

Dear Santa, My name is Igraszka and I am a puppy. I was born in a communal pen because my mother was abandoned. I didn't have an easy start in life, but now I hope that everything will be fine. Since I came to Grupa Ratuj, I have met many wonderful people. The caregivers take care of me, feed me and play with me. But I know I can't stay here forever. I would like to have my own house and a loving family. That's why I'm writing to you, Santa. I would like to ask for a few gifts that will relieve some of the burden on my wonderful caregivers: • STARTER WET FOOD - it is specially adapted to the needs of puppies of my age. It will help me grow healthily and develop properly. • JUNIOR WET FOOD - it is rich in nutrients that will help me further develop. • PREPARATIONS - sometimes I still can't stand it until the next walk.... • FLAVORS - it's easier for me to remember new things thanks to the association with something tasty. I know these are a lot of gifts, but they would be very useful to me. I promise that I will be a good dog and make my new family proud of me. I greet you with a timidly wagging tail.

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